Learn more about 哈德逊山谷社区学院 through personal stories from the campus community.
利亚C. 靠在车上
“There is so much strength in deciding to do something not typically expected of women.”
奥马尔·C. 在校园
“Chess is a metaphor for life, 64 squares on the board, infinite opportunities.”
布丽安娜B. 穿着实验服微笑着
“我的孩子们. 它们是我的主要动力.”
Taison一. 在汽车实验室
“Coming to HVCC, I learned not just how to start, but how to complete what I started.”
科琳对C. 在微笑
“每次我和我的导师一起做我的日程安排时,我都会流泪. 我总是说,我不敢相信我在做这个.'”
Jordyn G在校园里微笑
肯·R. 校园微笑
“I think Hudson Valley plays a large part in the improvement my art has seen over the past four years.”
“We are the first in our family to come to America and to complete college.”
达芙妮B. 穿着毕业礼服
“Our goal was to just try to make health and fitness more accessible to people. 刚开始的时候,我们并没有把它当成一门生意.”
“Hudson Valley is a great place to start to figure out what your interests are.”
“机构s like Hudson Valley are so important for people like me to be able to go back and get that second chance.”
斯蒂芬妮·T. 杰西·R.
Michael G. 在校园
“It was just good to know that other people here cared about my success, and that definitely helped.”
Josh R.
“诊断汽车的侦探工作. 我非常非常喜欢这一点.”
克雷格年代. 在教室里
“我们在这里所做的工作很重要, and I always tell my students that they have someone’s life in their hands.”
“Coming to Hudson Valley gave me that extra time to fully figure out what I wanted to do.”
“It’s obvious that program is top notch and really respected in this area.”
“我并没有真正关注我的平均成绩. 我只是在做工作.”
“你需要一段时间才能知道你余生想做什么. 你需要探索机会.”
“I feel like I've been able to get to know my professors and they've all been very helpful.”
“I don’t think people treat me like a 17-year-old, they just treat me like a student. 在哈德逊谷,我真的觉得自己很适合这里.”
“我们的日程安排很荒谬——早上5点起床.m.我带孩子们去学校. 带我妻子去上班. 回到特洛伊,女儿去托儿所,然后我的一天就开始了.”
Pravindra P.
“我觉得我有机会, 一个目的, 帮助那些需要帮助的人的动力, 所以我申请了PTK的总裁职位.”
“The human services career path is challenging and at the same time it’s also one of the most rewarding there is.”
“现在比以往任何时候都更适合在这样一个领域开始. 我们真的需要人们去帮助社区.”
Nada Jaiteh
“当我第一次申请的时候,我没有被录取,因为项目已经满员了. So, when they told me there was a spot open I took it, and I’m glad I did!”
“I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who wants to go into the design field.”
“I’m grateful for the program and I’m definitely prepared to go out in the workforce.”
“I love having the ability to encourage, teach and develop minds in a creative way.”
“I was just a curious person and Hudson Valley really accommodated that with all that it had to offer.”
“手语并不是聋哑人的专利. 各行各业的人都可以使用它 ... 学习手语的人越多越好. ”
“哈德逊河谷的伟大之处在于你可以取得进步. 在这里,我知道我可以得到我去另一所学校所需要的支持.”
校园里的Markeia Robinson
“当我回顾我的生活, I just want to be able to say I was able to inspire other people to reach their goals.”
“You have to be able to meet people where they are, have a passion to serve and be a problem solver.”
凯蒂的一个. 头像
“我在奥尔巴尼大学读了一年后, I was already considered a junior because of all the credits that I earned in high school.”
Areeg K.
“If you get the grades and do well here, you will do well at RPI or wherever you want to go.”
“The professors at Hudson Valley provided real life examples combined with theoretical practices.”
Akedra W. 坐在校园外面
“I’ve always had big dreams, and Hudson Valley is part of making those come true.”
“The campus is accessible, and the teachers really want to make sure the students succeed.”
“我很高兴我有这个机会决定我想做什么, 我可以选择自己的道路.”
“老实说,我得说哈德逊谷是一块隐藏的宝石. 我上的每门课都可能会转学.”
拉苏尔·阿里吸取了一些人生教训但现在, 在开始工程科学项目将近六年之后, 他的毅力表现出来了.  毕业于奥尔巴尼的绿色科技高中, Rasul started his higher education at the College of Saint Rose back in 2012, but he admits that he simply wasn't prepared to make that leap from high school to college. 在一个学期之后, he was out of school and working a two jobs to make ends meet and pay off his college debt.  \u201CI got kind of overwhelmed by being in school full-time and working almost full-time and I fell flat. I wasn't managing my time so I dropped out and just kept working,他说.  After a few years out in the working world, Rasul knew he could accomplish more. 逐渐, he started taking a few classes at Hudson Valley through the Office of Continuing Education. \u201CI enrolled in one course and then the next semester I enrolled in another and then I just kept going,他说. 在第二学期或第三学期, 我知道我想学习工程科学,所以这是我的重点, 但我仍然有很多事情要做.随着2019年春季学期的临近, 拉苏尔意识到,如果他回到全职学习四门课程, 他可以完成学位并计划转学. That\u2019s just what he'll be doing, five and a half years after he started at Hudson Valley.  One person who will watch with pride as Rasul crosses the stage at commencement is his mom. 她总能看到我的潜力. 她是那种即使你得了90分, 她说这怎么不是95分?2019年,是的,她会在那里. 她对我要求很高.\u201D Rasul has some scholarship opportunities and is weighing his financial aid options as he looks to continue his education but he said he looks back with real pride to his accomplishments at Hudson Valley. \u201CI remember back just trying to get through Calc I and thinking \u2018how am I ever going to do this?但它正在发生. 我把这里看作一个检查点. 我只是想继续前进.\u201D
“我把这里看作一个检查点. 我只是想继续前进.”
史蒂夫·W. 坐在学习辅助中心的桌子旁
Siri W. 在一家汽车经销店
托尼C. 在校园
“I think it was really good that I started at Hudson Valley because it prepared me not just academically but mentally.”
珍妮R. 和米莉·R. 坐在桌子旁
“There really aren't a lot of summer camps that are fun and not just child care for kids that age.”
“I'm going to celebrate this graduation, because I put a lot of work into this. 你需要庆祝生活中的胜利.”
“在高中的时候,我真的没有受到教育的激励. I decided I'm going to go to Hudson Valley, get my two-year, and then transfer.”
萨阿德米. 在计算机实验室里
“I always had it in my mind that I needed to go back to school and continue college and the people here have been so helpful.”
“回到学校可不是闹着玩的. 这需要努力和自律,但很有成就感.”
“The professors make me feel as though I am living with a ‘large family’ while I am studying at Hudson Valley.”
“从1972年起,我就和这所大学有了某种联系, 我对这个地方有很深的感情.”
“回到大学生活让我感到很惭愧. But my professor, Eileen Mahoney, took the time to help me through that first semester.”
“我记得我见过招生主任. 她说我可以从这里去康奈尔.”
每天都朝着你的目标努力. 努力工作. 是不可阻挡的. 每天坚持,永不放弃.”
丹尼尔·C. 在大学学术支持计划办公室
“CASP给了我成功所需的一切,也给了我帮助他人的机会. 我交了一些非常好的朋友.”
“With his grades on the rise, he returned to the football field the following fall.”